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  4. The study examined more than 14.5 million administrative records of visits to emergency departments in Ontario from 2003 to 2017. The investigators found that the rates of youth with a cannabis-related visit to the emergency department increased. So did the medical severity of cannabis visits and the likelihood that an emergency department patient with cannabis intoxication would be admitted to the hospital. The purchaser does not need to apply for a ROL and RSA since they are attached to the corporation and only the owners of the corporation are changing. Link to Alberta’s list of retail storesLegal age: 18Where legal to buy: Private licensed in-person and online storesPublic possession limit: 30 grams of dried cannabis or equivalentExcise stamp: The federal Cannabis Act (Bill C-45) legalized the distribution, sale, and consumption of cannabis. Consumption of cannabis for medical purposes has been permitted since 2001 under various statutes, currently under the Access to Cannabis for Medical Purposes Regulation (ACMPR). https://louismixm532086.popup-blog.com/14371780/how-long-can-you-store-cannabis Another issue is the actual taste of cannabis, which has become the focus of most edible and infused cannabis manufacturers. For example, edibles producers are using lots of garlic, cinnamon, nutmeg and other substances to disguise the taste of cannabis in an attempt to suit some consumers’ requests. “Most of the bad taste in edibles is likely due to phytol (a terpene that creates a mild sedative effect), chlorophyll (a green photosynthetic pigment in plants), and oxidized (rancid) plant fats,” said Michael Backes, editor of the book Cannabis Pharmacy: The Practical Guide to Medical Marijuana.   With such extreme health implications and vast amounts of money being spent to fight obesity furiously climbing, ethically we cannot be ignoring the potential impact of further research into cannabis therapies. In fact, with all of the medical implications of cannabis, and the impact on medical spending it could have, could legalization of cannabis lead us into a new era of better health and financial security for all of us? While the government stumbles over red tape and biased opinions, folks in Colorado can boast over having the lowest percentage of obesity in the nation. Coincidence? Doubtful.

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