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    Mahjong is a traditional game established in China about 100 years ago. Classic mahjong was played with 144 mahjong tiles and four players. It is a social game that allows friends and family to get together and have fun. The online mahjong rules are simple — match identical mahjong tiles that are not covered, and free from sides. Any special tiles such as flower tiles and season tiles can be matched. You can learn more about scoring and how to play mahjong by clicking the question mark in the upper-right corner of the mahjong games. You will want to challenge yourself by matching the tiles quickly because the game is timed. Best of all: You can play mahjong online — no download needed! Are you having a boring day? Play Solitaire Classic, a unique and relaxing card game in which you must rearrange the cards on the board by building a total of 4 straight flushes in descending order.Not only fans of the original Windows Solitaire will love this minimalist version of the classic! Don’t worry if you feel stuck, be patient as you watch the cards carefully and choose the right moves to get the highest score. Can you beat the record? Good luck to you…

  2. Palmer, made a joke combining the meme with much-talked-about cryptocurrency, hence came into being the Dogecoin. He then bought Dogecoin.com domain and uploaded a photoshopped coin with an image of Shiba Inu. Like other cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin, Dogecoin can act as a way to transfer money between people, either as a payment for goods or services, or simply to send cash. Users can also make transactions semi-anonymously, even if a record is available publicly on the blockchain. And they can do it without going through a traditional intermediary such as a bank. You can get Dogecoin at many different cryptocurrency exchanges. For example, Dogecoin is listed  on Binance, OKEx, Huobi and Kraken. Typically, Dogecoin isn’t listed against fiat currencies, so you will likely have to first acquire some Bitcoin and then trade it for Dogecoin on an exchange. Alternatively, you could ask a friend to send you some DOGE or earn it through mining.
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