多媒體美術設計、多媒體程式開發、資訊安全 /
- USR-B類 攜手共創部落新「旅」力-山林部落見學旅遊模式建構 補助單位:教育部(協同主持人 2017-2020)
- 基於隨機排列加密之強私密可逆式資訊隱藏(106-2218-E-143-002-)補助單位:科技部(主持人 2017-2018)
- 數位藝術與版權保護之探討 補助單位:中山大學南方學院(主持人 2014-2016)
- 指導大專生計畫 空氣品質警告裝置「Adam」—以細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)為例 補助單位:科技部(計畫編號:106-2813-C-143-010-H)※榮獲106年大專生研究創作獎
- 指導大專生計畫 蓋亞的贊禮──青少年自我認同之互動遊戲 補助單位:科技部(計畫編號:106-2813-C-143-009-H)
- C.W. Shiu*, Y.C. Chen, Wien Hong, (2018). Reversible Data Hiding in Permutation-based Encrypted Images with Strong Privacy. KSII Transactions on Internet and Information System (SCI, IF=0.661). (Accepted)
- C.W. Shiu, Y.C. Chen, and Wien Hong (2015). Encrypted Image-based Reversible Data Hiding with Public Key Cryptography from Difference Expansion. Signal Processing: Image Communication (SCI, IF:2.073 ), vol. 58, no. 10, pp. 2583-2594.
- J. Chen, T.S. Chen, T.S. Chen, W. Hong, G. Horng, H.Y. Wu, and C.W. Shiu (2014). A New Reference Pixel Prediction for Reversible Data Hiding with Reduced Location Map. KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (SCI, IF:0.611 ), vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 1150-1118.
- W. Hong, G. Horng, C.W. Shiu, T.S. Chen, and Y.C. Chen (2014). Reversible Data Hiding Method Using Complexity Control and Human Visual System. The Computer Journal (SCI, IF:0.792), vol. 58, no. 10.
- Y.C. Chen, C.W. Shiu, and G. Horng (2014). Encrypted Signal-based Reversible Data Hiding with Public Key Cryptosystem. Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation (SCI, IF:1.836, Times cited: 71), vol. 25, no. 5, pp. 1164-1170.
- Chen, C.W. Shiu and M.C. Wu (2013). An Improvement of Diamond Encoding Using Characteristic Value Positioning and Modulus Function. Journal of Systems and Software (SCI, IF:2.278), vol. 86, no. 5, pp. 1377-1383, 2013.
- J. Chen, W. Hong, T.S. Chen, and C.W. Shiu (2010). Steganography for BTC Compressed Images Using No Distortion Technique. The Imaging Science Journal (SCI, IF:0.366), vol. 58, pp. 177-185.
- W. Hong, T.S. Chen, Y.P. Chang, and C.W. Shiu (2010). A High Capacity Reversible Data Hiding Scheme Using Orthogonal Projection and Prediction Error Modification. Signal Processing (SCI, IF:3.470, Times cited: 92), vol. 90, pp. 2911-2922.
- W. Hong, T.S. Chen, C.W. Shiu(2009) Reversible Data Hiding for High Quality Images using Modification of Prediction Errors. Journal of Systems and Software (SCI, IF:2.278, Times cited: 224), vol. 82, pp. 1833-1842.
- C.W. Shiu, W. Hong, J. Chen, T.S. Chen, W.Y. Ji (2018). Data Hiding for Color Image by Rubik’s Cube. Third International Conference on Cyber Security of Smart Cities, Industrial Control System and Communications(SSIC 2018)
- 李宜亭,賀俊智,許志維,蔡子瑋(2017)。互動裝置遊戲融合智慧醫療 復健系統-熱氣衝飛。設計創價感性實踐-2017台灣感性研討會。
- 陳彥霖,林詩庭,蘇詠茹,許志維(2017)。述日-青少年心理互動遊戲。 設計創價感性實踐-2017台灣感性研討會,台灣宜蘭。
- 黃姿樺,楊理鈞,吳翎華,許志維(2017)。救救亞當-以細懸浮微粒 (PM2.5)為主題的遊戲機台製作及研究。設計創價感性實踐-2017台灣感性研 討會,台灣宜蘭。
- 2018/11/18 Reviewer, IEEE Access(SCI)
- 2018/10/22 Reviewer, IEEE Transaction on Information Forensics and Security (SCI)
- 2018/07/14 Reviewer, IEEE Access(SCI)
- 2017/12/05 Reviewer, KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (SCI)
- 2017/03/16 Reviewer, Information Processing Letters (SCI)
- 2015/04/14 Reviewer, Security and Communication Networks (SCI)
- 2018/07/05 評審, 金門縣107學年度國民小學暨公立幼兒園正式合格教師聯合甄選, 金門縣政府
- 2017/09/18 評審, 藝文中心場需動畫製作委託專業服務案, 台東縣政府