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  2. You can find our full cut crease tutorial here, but in the simplest terms: After applying a light matte or shimmer shade across the entire lid, “contour with a medium-matte shade in the crease, and blend up toward the brow bone,” says Crimson.  Makeup, when artfully applied, can give your brows the illusion of fullness and make them appear even. An eyebrow pencil can fill in and even out eyebrows that aren’t completely symmetrical. HeartSorry, aspiring Cara Delevingnes. “Although bold brows are in this season, a heart-shaped face will definitely want to steer shy of this trend,” Healy says. “ Because of the petite jaw line and emphasis on the upper portion of the face, it is important to keep brows well-manicured and exceptionally groomed. That being said, a thin brow is never in! The idea here is to create a shape that is controlled and never bushy. This tight brow on the top hemisphere of the face will serve to balance the smaller chin and jawline of the bottom half.” https://nmpeoplesrepublick.com/community/profile/faithtreat53996/ Four approaches to fragrance-wearingREAD & SHOP NOW There’s nothing worse than looking in the mirror and realizing your eyeliner has either completely vanished or is giving you serious raccoon eyes. But finding a good waterproof liner can be tricky: It has to go on easily and smoothly (no flaking or stickiness, please!) and stay put through any and every workout, Nicholas Sparks movie and summer swim, yet can be removed fairly easily without pain, rubbing or lost lashes. A tall order. If you want to make a bolder statement with your blues, Kerry Washington shows us exactly how it’s done—her shimmery blue-green liner is blended across her upper lid, then traced along her lower lashline. Keeping the rest of her makeup simple is the key to making it it work. If you’re a fan of Urban Decay’s 24 7 Glide-On Eye Pencil on your lids, then your sad, fussy eyes will be a fan of this on the waterline. The demi-matte formula sets after application so it sticks to the waterline instead of rubbing off on your eyeballs throughout the day.

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