

  1. Legal cannabis means easier regulations, ever-higher numbers of cannabis producers, greater availability and reduced stigma about using cannabis for medical use, says the report.“When you have such widespread recreational and medical cannabis use, there is a real challenge for healthcare providers who are not trained in prescribing it,” said Busse. If you are a provider recommending medical marijuana for a minor patient who is diagnosed with a disabling medical condition and you are not the patient’s primary care provider, you must review the records of a diagnosing physician or a licensed mental health provider acting within his or her scope of practice.For more information please refer to C.R.S. 25-1.5-106 and House Bill 19-1028. The California Medical Board oversees the practice of medicine in the state. In 2004, the Board issued a policy statement outlining standards of good practice for cannabis medicine. A few specialists with large numbers of medical cannabis patients have been investigated by the Board pursuant to complaints from law enforcement. Most of the complaints have been dismissed, though a handful have resulted in disciplinary action for failure to maintain good standards of practice. https://donovanesgu875310.ltfblog.com/16192697/cannabis-stock-prices NO SMOKING MARIJUANA ON THESE PREMISES Under the Cannabis Act, a household is permitted to have four (4) cannabis plants. The act also indicates that the space where cannabis is grown indoors must not be accessible to (1) any person who has not been directly or indirectly invited to be in the home (e.g. someone who is trespassing) and (2) any person under the age of 19. Sale of cannabis in unapproved retail locations is unlawful, as cannabis remains a controlled substance with strict rules around distribution. Anyone selling or otherwise distributing cannabis contrary to the rules would be committing an offence – most likely to be considered trafficking a controlled substance. Property owners and managers are responsible for setting policies allowing or prohibiting smoking or vaping of cannabis in their premises. A property may have different rules about tobacco and cannabis, which requires a clear policy.

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