

  1. We will notify you when this product becomes available. Forgot Your Username? I usually apply mascara, maybe a blended eyeliner, and then a neutral lip. But on a date night or a fun moment, I love a pop of color on my lip. On fun nights, I’ll try a purple, orange, or classic red color.  Watch the video above for my first impressions of each product as I apply them. Keep reading for more details on the new drugstore makeup from Neutrogena. Questions 800-480-4812Outside US, dial collect 215-273-8755www.neutrogena.com *Disclaimer: BestViewsReviews earns a commission from qualifying purchases. Learn More Solid pencils are often the most beginner-friendly choice when it comes to eyeliner. They are forgivable and easy to control. They can be applied as-is or slightly smudged for a more natural line. If you want to try a liquid as a beginner, look for one that provides a fine, precision tip. https://johnnyduix975421.blogsmine.com/15251696/natural-looking-foundation-for-dry-skin Fans of the retro ’60s vibe will love this smoky cat eye – in fact, it’s probably one of the most sought-after fall makeup looks of the season. Striking, effective, and stylish, the feline flick is on the tricky end of makeup application, but once you’ve mastered how to apply eyeliner, you’ll feel invincible. This looks like a combination of kohl and liquid liner, to really deepen the look. Pair with nude lips, just like Penelope has, to let the eyes do the talking.  Featuring a long-lasting pigmented formula, this black eyeliner has an easy-to-apply, pen-style nib, allowing you to create thick feline flicks and defined lines for a smudge-proof finish. Apply a thin line along the lash line and inner rim or smudge outside the rim for a sultry, smoky effect. This gratifying, color-intense liner doesn’t flake or fade and adds a unique touch to any look.

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