陳俊瑋 助理教授


  • 國立成功大學 工業設計所 認知與感性經驗設計組 博士 (Ph.D.)
  • 國立交通大學 應用藝術所 視覺傳達設計組 碩士 (MA)

  • 學術專長:使用者介面設計、視覺識別系統、傳達設計
  • 研究領域:認知與感性經驗設計、設計思考永續設計
  1. Min-Yuan Ma, Chun-Wei Chen*, Yu-Ming Chang, 2019. Using Kano Model to Differentiate Between Future Vehicle-Driving Services, International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, Volume 69, January, Pages 142–152.(SSCI, SCI
    *通訊作者 / 2019 Impact Factor:1.429 (5-year:1.607)
  2. Yu-Ming Chang, Chun-Wei Chen*, 2016. Kansei Assessment of the Constituent Elements and the Overall Interrelations in Car Steering Wheel Design, International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, Volume 56, November, Pages 97–105.(SSCI, SCI
    *通訊作者 / 2016 Impact Factor:1.415 (5-year:1.836)
  3. Jenn-Yang Lin, An-Sheng Lee, Chun-Wei Chen, H. H.(Buddy) Hooper Jr., 2010. A study on cognition design in interface usability of E-learning websites, International Journal of Organizational Innovation, Vol 3 Num 1 Summer(ISSN 1943-1813),USA.(EI

  • 國際性設計獎項
  1. 2019, 莫斯科金蜂獎, GOLDEN BEE 13, Special Project, 世界金獎《All Gold Of The World 2016-2018*(ico-D) endorsed
  2. 2018, 波蘭華沙國際海報雙年展, IPBW, International Poster Biennale in Warsaw, 優秀獎《Merit Award》*Global Top 5 Biennales
  3. 2018, 捷克布魯諾設計展, IBGD, International Biennial of Graphic Design in Brno, 優秀獎《Merit Award》*Global Top 5 Biennales
  4. 2017, 芬蘭拉赫蒂三年展, LAHTI, Lahti International Poster Triennial, FL ,榮譽獎《Certificate of honour Award*(ico-D) endorsed
  5. 2017, 上海亞洲平面設計雙年展, SBAGD, Shanghai Biennial of Asia Graphic Design, CHN, 評審團獎《Judges Award
  6. 2017, 臺灣國際平面設計獎, TIGD, Taiwan International Graphic Design Award, 優秀獎《Excellent Award*(ico-D) endorsed
  7. 2017, 香港國際海報設計雙年展, HKIPT, Hong Kong International Poster Triennial, HK, 金獎《Gold Award*(ico-D) endorsed
  8. 2016, 紐約藝術指導年度獎, ADC, Art Directors Club Annual Awards, NY, USA, 銀立方獎《Silver Cube Award*(ico-D) endorsed
  9. 2016, 英國設計與藝術指導協會, D&AD Professional Awards 2016, London, UK, 木鉛筆《Wood Pencil Award*(ico-D) endorsed
  10. 2016, 美國紐約廣告創意獎, ONE SHOW INTERACTIVE AWARD, New York, USA, 優異獎《Merit Award*(ico-D) endorsed
  11. 2015, 亞洲最具影響力設計獎, DFA, DFA Design for Asia Awards 2015, HK, 金獎《Gold Award
  12. 2015, 平面設計在中國, GDC15, Graphic Design in China, CHN, 全場大獎《Grand Prix Winner》 
  13. 2015, 平面設計在中國, GDC15, Graphic Design in China, CHN, 金獎《Poster Best Award
  14. 2015, 金點設計獎, GOLDEN PIN DESIGN AWARD, TW, 年度最佳設計獎《Best of Golden Pin Design Award

*(ico-D) endorsedInternational Council of Design