【競賽得獎】2024金點設計獎 傳達設計類-金點設計標章

恭賀本系林凱文、黃琮舜、李建陞同學參加 「2024金點設計獎- 傳達設計類 」榮獲金點設計標章殊榮

作品名稱 : 校園識別改良方案-臺東縣初鹿國民小學騰躍百年

指導老師 : 陳俊瑋、賀俊智

作品說明: 臺東縣初鹿國民小學騰躍百年,視覺識別設計以初鹿國小名稱,結合在地自然環境景觀作為發想。使用木紋作為核心呈現方式,傳達在地特色教育木板雕刻文化,並以圖地反轉的方式將鹿之意象與當地「人鳥傳說」巧妙融入其中,象徵無形流傳於在地、口耳相傳的美麗神話;完善結合大自然就是大教室的山海意象融入其中。 *此標誌已正式作為對外識別。 圖示之一為初小手工皂即是最為代表當地伴手禮之地方特色,以初鹿牛奶結合椰子油與芥花油等當地素材進行製作,皆由「初鹿國小全校生」必修手作課完成,以凝聚大眾心中對初鹿國小的認知,繼續騰躍百年。 而識別吉祥物有二: 阿蓋(卑南語:Gagay) 靈感源自于卑南族傳說故事-「人鳥傳說」、 馬愣(西群卑南語:marenem) 靈感源自于卑南族傳說故事-「少女與鹿」。 校園重視孩子的創造思考與永續發展,教室裡「主播區」是建立孩子自信肯定自我的舞台,「實作吧檯桌」有溫馨放鬆的家庭氣氛,未來教室讓學習沒有邊界,孩子們從團隊合作、獨立思考、溝通表達、議題討論與凝聚共識中學習。

作品說明(英): Taitung County Chulu Elementary School Centennial Leap The visual identity design draws inspiration from the name “Chulu Elementary School” and the local natural environment. Wood grain symbolizes the local wood carving culture. The imagery of the deer and the “Legend of the Bird-Man” is cleverly integrated, representing the beautiful, orally passed down local myths. The design also incorporates the concept of nature as the great classroom. *This logo is officially used for external identification. One iconic local gift is Chulu handmade soap, made from Chulu milk, coconut oil, and canola oil by all students as part of a mandatory craft course, enhancing public recognition of the school. The two mascots are: Gagay (Puyuma: Gagay) Inspired by the Puyuma legend “Legend of the Bird-Man” Marenem (Western Puyuma: marenem) Inspired by the Puyuma legend “The Maiden and the Deer” The school values creative thinking and sustainable development. The “anchor area” builds self-confidence, the “hands-on bar table” provides a cozy atmosphere, and the future classroom promotes boundaryless learning through teamwork, independent thinking, communication, discussion, and consensus-building.

作品概要: 「歡迎回家」!創校於民國10年的臺東縣立卑南鄉初鹿國小,辦理百年校慶活動,以初鹿百年教育、永續發展為主題,識別設計完善結合大自然就是大教室的山海意象融入其中,展現百年樹人感恩、薪傳與永續發展的教育成果。

作品概要(英): “Welcome Home!” Established in the 10th year of the Republic of China, Chulu Elementary School in Beinan Township, Taitung County, is celebrating its centennial anniversary. The centennial celebration focuses on Chulu’s century-long education and sustainable development. The identity design integrates the mountain and sea imagery of nature as the great classroom, showcasing a century of nurturing gratitude, passing on knowledge, and promoting sustainable development in education.